Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

Station system up for 0 Days 23 Hours 10 Minutes 52 Seconds
Station system free memory 54.91GB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37S-(b152)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 2:11:35 PM 2/12/2025.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
02/13/2025 1:24pm
Weather-Display realtime Current 0:00:14 02/13/2025 1:23pm
Weather-Display FTP Current 0:03:55 02/13/2025 1:20pm
Weather-Display weather data Current 0:04:06 02/13/2025 1:20pm
Weather-Display NOAA report NOT Current 13604:21:19 > 24:15:00
07/27/2023 6:02pm
Weather-Display Month report Current 13:12:57 02/13/2025 12:11am

NEXRAD Radar KFTG status: Data not recent [last data 0:58:49 h:m:s ago]
as of 02/13/2025 1:21pm

Message date: 02/13/2025 9:39am
KFTG WSR-88D will be down for maintenance from 131730Z until 132000Z Adjacent Radars: KGLD...KPUX...KCYS...KGJX...KLNX...TDEN==================

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

GRLevel3 Radar FTP NOT Current 2:24:35 > 0:10:15
02/13/2025 10:59am
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
DualImage.php File not installed
sunposa.php V3.60 - 2024-09-11 Need update to V3.70 - 2024-12-14
Use this link for details.